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EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Future Infrastructure and Built Environment


Date in FIBE: 2016-2020

Before joining FIBE: Prior to joining FIBE, I studied Engineering Science at Oxford University, specialising in Civil Engineering, including a master's thesis that focused on carbon dioxide sequestration in saline aquifers.

PhD thesis: My thesis was titled "MPM study of Water Wave Interaction with Porous Seawalls".

In my thesis, I undertook a parametric study, changing the mean grain size of a porous material to manipulate its permeability and assess the impact on the runup response to dam-break and solitary waves. I used a numerical technique called the Material Point Method that is capable of handling large-deformation problems within a Lagrangian framework, with an Eulerian background grid that allows for simple application of boundary conditions.

Why did you join FIBE?: I wanted to pursue a career in numerical modelling of fluids but I did not have a specific research project in mind.

How did it help you?: I found the MRes year a useful introduction into wider research topics in Civil Engineering before starting the PhD and a valuable opportunity to work with potential supervisors before working closely with them for three years. I am also extremely grateful for the friends I have made in FIBE and I have found them a fantastic source of support (and fun!) over the years. A FIBE student from a more recent cohort (Grace Roberts) is continuing my PhD work, and we recently co-authored a paper together, which is very exciting.

What are you doing now?: I am now a postdoc at the University of Oxford. I'm working in the predictability group at AOPP (Atmospheric, Ocean and Planetary Physics) where I am involved in a research project in conjunction with the ECMWF (European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting) that applies machine learning techniques (a conditional generative adversarial network) to improve precipitation forecast downscaling, as well as contributing to teaching fluids to physics undergraduates.
