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EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Future Infrastructure and Built Environment


Industrial Partners                                                                                                                 Log In

Our EPSRC CDT in Future Infrastructure and Built Environment Industrial Partners represent major consultancies, contractors and asset providers who will be closely engaged in both the training and research activities of the CDT. Representatives from our Industrial Partners will deliver guest lectures and provide commercial perspectives to CDT individual and group project work throughout the MRes year.  Industrial Partners will also collaborate with CDT Academic Staff to co-create, formulate and co-supervise MRes and PhD research projects to address research priorities facing the Construction Industry. 

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Academic Partners

The Future Infrastructure and Built Environment CDT has established a strategic partnership with five major International centres; MIT (US), Illinois (US),TU Delft (Netherlands), Tongji (China) and CiSTIP (India). Opportunities for project-specific short-term secondments to visit our International Academic Partners will be available to CDT students during their PhD studies.

Academic Partners